Glen Kaufman Work Illustrated

  •  “The Red Fan,” “Untitled,” and “Lunar Totem” illustrated by Virginia I. Harvey, Color and Design in Macrame (New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1967), figs. C-3 & C-4, 5-29 & 6-34
  • “Cross of Linen” illustrated by Ruth Kaufmann, The New American Tapestry (New York, NY: Reinhold Book Corp., 1968), pl. 8.
  • “Introspection” illustrated by Rose Slivka, Aileen O. Webb and Margaret Merwin Patch, The Crafts of the Modern World (New York, NY: Horizon Press, 1968), pl. 286
  • “Nineteen-Sixty-Eight Totem” illustrated by Lee Nordness, Objects: USA (New York, NY: The Viking Press, 1970), p. 346
  • “Scutum” illustrated by Mildred Constantine and Jack Lenor Larsen, Beyond Craft: The Art Fabric (New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1972), p. 69
  • “Dark Moon” illustrated by Ed Rossbach, The New Basketry (New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1976), fig. 29
  • “White Maize Glove,” “Mino Study/White,” and “Polycloak” illustrated by Mildred Constantine and Jack Lenor Larsen, The Art Fabric: Mainstream (New York, NY: Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 1980), p. 135, p. 252, p. 253
  • “Kyoto: Nishijin Series VI” illustrated by Paul J. Smith, Craft Today Poetry of the Physical (New York, NY: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1986), fig. 46
  • “The Knights” illustrated by Jack Lenor Larsen with Betty Freudenheim, Interlacing, the Elemental Fabric (New York, NY: Kodansha Intl., 1987), fig. 3
  • “Kyoto/Golden Forest” illustrated in “Gallery/Fiber,” American Craft, June/July 1988, p. 110, fig. 17
  • “Kyoto Rooftop: Nishijin II” and “Golden Tree/Kino V” illustrated by Mildred Constantine and Laurel Reuter, Frontiers in Fiber: The Americans. (Grand Forks, ND: North Dakota Museum of Art, 1988) figs. 22 & 24
  • “Kyoto Rooftop: Nishijin II” illustrated by Asada Shuji in Gendai Some (Contemporary Dyeing) (Tokyo: Shibundo Co. 1990) p. 64
  • “Window View Daitokuji-Cho” illustrated in “NEA Fellowships 1990,” American Craft, December 1990/January 1991, p. 26
  • “Kawashima TS/Ichihara” illustrated in “Perspectives from the Rim,” Surface Design Journal, Spring 1991, p. 38
  • “Wrapped Glove” illustrated in “In Our Hands”, exhibition catalog, (Nagoya, Japan: Sinkol Col Ltd., 1991) pp. 20-21
  • “White Maize Glove” and “Kyoto Rooftop: Kita-Ku”, illustrated in “Small Works in Fiber:   The Collection of Mildred Constantine”, exhibition catalog, (Cleveland, OH: The Cleveland Museum of Art, 1993) pp. 33, 48, 49
  • “Endangered Cities: Kyoto I” illustrated in “Gallery”, American Craft, October/November 1996, p. 104
  • “Pulguk-Sa, Kyong-Ju” illustrated in Threads-Fiber Art in the 90’s exhibition catalog,  (New Jersey Center for Visual Arts, Summit, NJ, 1997), p. 7
  • Reflections/Visions – Precious Metals in Textiles, exhibition catalog (Georgia State University, School of Art and Design Gallery, Atlanta 1997)
  • “Triptych: Hitaro in America” and “Endangered Cities: Kyoto I (Nishijin)”, illustrated in “The 10th Wave/Part II: Textiles and Fiber Wall Sculpture”, exhibition catalog,  (Wilton, CT: Brown/Grotta Gallery, 1997), pp. 12, 13, 30, 31
  • “Broken City: Kyoto/Jofukuji” and “Ryukyu Mura II” illustrated in “Fiberworks”, exhibition catalog, (Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, Sarratt Gallery, 1997)
  • “Urban Fault Lines/Kyoto” illustrated in Handmade: Shifting Paradigms, exhibition catalog (Singapore Art Museum, Singapore, 1999), pp. 37
  • “Istana / Sri Menati”, illustrated in American Craft, June/July 2000, p. 73
  • “Kyoto Rooftop: Nishijin II” illustrated in Fiberarts, November/December, 2002, p. 47
  • “Kaunakes: Ghosts of Mesopotamia”, illustrated in exhibition catalog, 12th International  Triennial of Tapestry, Lodz, Poland, 2007
  • “Without Borders”, “Kaunakes GAO”, exhibition catalog, Craft Alliance, St Louis, 2012
  • “A Chronicle of Modern Crafts: Works from the National Museum of Modern  Art, Kyoto Collection”, exhibition catalog, (Kyoto, Japan: The National Museum of Modern Art, 2021), p. 250